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January 15, 2009


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Virtual Ad Agency

Being nimble in response to a client's demands become fundamentally important as creative work becomes more and more of a commodity. Any 16 year old with a YouTube account becomes your competition. It requires high quality and even faster turn-arounds to satisfy today's clients and less and less want to pay their fair share.

Finding added value in everything we do, and making your creative and account team as famous, knowledgeable and reachable as the the other twitterati is stage one.

Nick McGivney

Moray MacLennan might be right about users logging on for communication rather than commerce, but when the commerce becomes the communication that changes things hugely. Whopper, Clearasil and Chevrolet with its Google maps/cheapest neighbourhood gas app are some immediate examples. Creativity certainly isn't under threat.

What I see here is a reversion to pre-television models, when word of mouth meant what it does now. Endorsement. The only difference being that now you can do it with people eleven thousand kilometres away and still trust it if you trust them. TV was an artificially constructed one way street that quickly choked off other traffic systems and was answerable to nobody in many ways. Now, once again, the conversation is local. It's just that local got bigger. I don't doubt for a second that large multinationals and companies will get to grips with it, and I think that with enough of an instinct to use its storehouse of trad marketing, so too can the ad agency structure. The problem becomes one of youth deciding to do things differently versus the board deciding to sit out the wave before tottering off into the retirement home. Exciting times either way.

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