I love building brands. It's an art and a science. A brand is a set of beliefs. It's a set of expectations. Moreover it is a culture. A culture that is celebrated and lived in real terms by the people who work with the brand every day inside the company. It is also a culture to be associated with by people who have relationships with the brand in the world at large. The mistake many people make is that they believe a brand is made up from advertising. This was true in the old world. But in the new world, where there are a million different ways to experience a brand, a billion different ways to advertise, where the fragmented media world is making it more and more difficult to navigate the multiplex...a brand is best thought of as a culture. Like French Culture. Or Swedish Culture. Something to engage with at your pleasure. On your terms. Love them meatballs, well then...dig in.
We concur. Our previously published Brand Culture whitepaper elaborates on how branding needs a new model, one that recognizes brands as vehicles for creating meaning and building sustainable cultures. Much like the anthropological definition of a culture.
Posted by: Mike Mirkil | August 15, 2008 at 12:21 PM